Guides to Using DGT Passive Samplers

Links to Videos on Practicalities

Some users have created their own training videos for using DGT passive samplers.

Deployment in streams and storm overflows Two videos prepared by The New Zealand National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Ltd (NIWA) show in detail how to go about deploying DGT devices in these situations.

Automated system for DGT deployment AEL/Technicap market a fully programmable sampler, called THOË for automatically deploying DGT devices. This video shows its use at sea.

Complete DGT deployment procedure The programme MONITOOL that assess the effectiveness of DGT for regulatory water quality monitoring has a series of detailed videos. They illustrate detailed protocols for preparing DGT passive samplers prior to deployment, the deployment procedure, retrieval and laboratory preparation prior to analysis. Other videos give the aims of the programme and show actual field situations of deployment in coastal locations.

Speciation and bioavailability of plutonium using DGT A consortium of Swiss institutes provide a video showing the methods they used to undertake this exacting work using DGT passive samplers.