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Methyl mercury and Hg2+ cannot be measured using the standard DGT passive samplers for cations with a Chelex binding layer. However, they both bind to the specialist binding layer 3-mercaptopropyl functionalised silica gel, enabling both to be measured. Note that Hg is particular prone to handling problems due to adsorption to many materials it contacts. In situ deployment of DGT helps to overcome these problems, but care should be taken with all subsequent handling and analysis.

For deployments in all types of waters you will need device LSNB-AP

For deployment in soilsA you will need device LSLB-AP

For deployments in sedimentsB you will need LSPB-AP

Detailed instructions for the use of most DGT passive samplers are available.

AThese soil devices are designed for deployment in homogenised hydrated soil samples.

BThe sediment probes can be inserted directly into sediment and have a large enough area (exposure window 150 x 18 mm) to be capable of providing spatial information, e.g. vertical profiles or 2-D images. They have also been used to obtain similar information in hydrated soils (e.g. Luo et al., 2013).